Never mind Shakespeare…

It is clear that our lives are defined by the space between the two camps of; firstly, our thoughts on our own actions; and secondly, by our fear of what other people might think. Never mind Shakespeare the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius pointed this out some two thousand years ago: “All is as thinking makes … Read more

Why Nude? by Howard Anderson

In our enlightened modern world which celebrates multicultural diversity it is not too much to ask to have complete freedom of dress for reasons of religion, culture and personal belief. …but Why Nude? The World Naked Bike Rides have shown that this celebration of diversity has indeed extended, at least in part, to embrace social nudity … Read more

Garden of Eden

Western religions do not generally have direct prohibition of social nudity as a core belief, such prohibition as there is has come about from custom and practice and from misunderstood interpretations of early teachings. Protestations against nudity have been made by a few of the religious hierarchy and sadly followed by the many. There is … Read more