In our enlightened modern world which celebrates multicultural diversity it is not too much to ask to have complete freedom of dress for reasons of religion, culture and personal belief. …but Why Nude?

The World Naked Bike Rides have shown that this celebration of diversity has indeed extended, at least in part, to embrace social nudity in the UK and in many other Western countries. The author’s personal experience of these rides and the reactions of others towards social nudity in settings outside of the traditional naturist clubs has resulted in this exploration of the whole issue, presented here in the hope that others may come to understand better what many find to be an uplifting and affirming way of life.
This work discusses being nude in a social setting. The author shows why people choose to live at least part of their lives without clothes, that doing so is very enjoyable and that it offers a number of valuable benefits. The author also demonstrates how one can cultivate this freedom from pressure to conform in daily life.
Why Nude? Thoughts and reflections on social nudity by Howard Anderson
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