Future book formats: eBook or paperback…?

Do you wonder about the future of paperbacks with the advent of eBooks?

Lincoln Michael has an interesting and thought-provoking article which discusses Amazon, eBooks, traditional format: paperbacks and the rest. This is one of his shout-outs, which describes the current state of play very well:

The Future of Books Is Hypertext! No. It’s POD! No. It’s Enhanced E-Books! Apps! Netflix for Books! None of Those? Wait. It’s Cloud Storage!

It’s all very confusing, with lots of opinion and scaremongering and basically nobody knows how it’s all going to level out.The author makes a good case for these apparently competing formats being essentially complementary. One thing’s for sure though, we have more variety, more options, more flexibility in how we publish our words. This can only be a good thing!

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